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Physical therapy can to help you recover from an osteoporosis-related fracture. While therapy will not heal a broken bone, it will increase your chances of a successful recovery. Benefiting from physical therapy does not require a fractured a bone. If you have been informed that you are at high risk for osteoporosis, then going to physical therapy can be a proactive way to help minimize the effects of this bone disease.


Your MAXX physical therapist will design an individualized treatment plan based on your specific case of osteoporosis taking into account your overall health, age, fitness level, and your personal risk for fractures. We can help strengthen you to the bone!

How Physical Therapy Helps Osteoporosis

Treating Osteoporosis and Preventing Further Fractures

Physical therapy at MAXX typically includes certain bone-strengthening exercises, such as weight-bearing activities (including walking and/or light jogging) or resistance training such as weight lifting or yoga.


To help prevent further fractures, your therapyist will help you improve your balance and posture. Better control over your balance will help prevent falls. And proper posture will take unnecessary stress off your spine, which will reduce your risk of spinal fractures.


Your thorough MAXX therapist may even help you make changes in your home and/or office to promote a healthy recovery. Your therapist may also teach you safe ways to do everyday activities such as how to correctly lie down and to how to sneeze properly which will both help you avoid future fractures.


MAXX Physical Therapy provides an effective non-surgical treatment for osteoporosis that may help restore healthy movement, function, and bone strength. Your dedicated physical therapist will teach you exercises for bone health and ways to manage your daily activities so you’ll lessen your chances of having an osteoporosis-related fracture.

The Silent Disease

Osteoporosis differs from most diseases in that there are usually no observable warning signs to alert you of its progression. People are typically unable to tell their bones are becoming weaker and more porous until their initial fracture. Unfortunately, when fractures occur, osteoporosis is already in an advanced stage. 


The lack of warning signs is one of the advantages to scheduling an Annual PT Checkup. In these assessments, your MAXX physical therapist may be able identify and address some of the problems associated with osteoporosis such as fracture pain and your balance and ability to walk properly. Our gentle strengthening and balance activities can help your bone health, independence with daily activates and safety with ambulating. Schedule an appointment today at MAXX. 



Who is most at risk of having osteoporosis? 

Race and gender are risk factors for osteoporosis. Caucasian and Asian women—particularly post menopausal women—are at the highest risk of developing the disease. It is estimated that 1 out of 2 women will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime. African American and Hispanic females overall have better bone density than other ethnic groups. Men can also be affected but at much lower rates than women.

How do I prevent getting fractures?

Proper diagnosis and early treatment are important steps to prevent fractures which can seriously limit mobility and independence. More importantly, prevention needs to be started earlier in life. Simple lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and regular exercise can make a difference down the line.

What changes do I need to make to my diet?

Increasing your intake of calcium is highly recommended. Calcium is necessary to build strong bones so a calcium-rich diet throughout life is very important. Good sources of calcium include dairy foods and some dark green vegetables like kale, collard greens, broccoli and spinach. Abstaining from alcohol and cigarette smoking is also recommended as both of these habits will negatively impact your bone health.

What exercises should I do or not do?

Regular weight-bearing exercise can be beneficial as bones are strengthened by walking, jogging, tennis, weight training and other activies that force the body to work against gravity. Your MAXX physical therapist will be able to show specific exercises that can promote your bone health and increase your overall safety and independence. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

©2020 by MAXX Physical Therapy, LLC

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